NOVEMBER 2017 SPOTLIGHT on paul Greaves W4FC

Club 2m Repeater  - 146.940 PL Tone 107.2

Paul Greaves W4FC started out as a Novice in 1967 when there was such a thing as Novice Class. During those days, Novices had to use crystal controlled radios and each crystal is assigned a single frequency - for example - 7014 kHz. If you wanted to transmit on any other frequency - you had to go get another crystal. Paul got the DX bug right away and started to work DX with his first rig - a Knight T-150. Paul started with the call sign WN4GJX as a Novice and upgraded to WB4LFM. He did not get his current call sign of W4FC until 1994.

Paul's Accomplishments as a DXer

#1 Honor Roll (Before North Korea was required)

DXCC Mixed - 360 entities, DXCC Phone - 359 entities, DXCC CW - 351 entities

160m DXCC - 120 entities

80m DXCC - 255 entities

DXCC Challenge - 2616 Band Points

Paul W4FC as the DX

Paul has also activated PJ7 in 2011 as PJ7N when he came to the island of Sint Maarten with his friends George Hall W4BUW (as PJ7GH) and Charlie W4UHW (as PJ7/W4UHW) and between the three of them - they made over 10000 QSO's.  Paul has also operated from Germany as DL/WB4LFM in 1989.  He was also a guest operator at VP2AR in 1975.

Paul's Contributions to the Hobby

Paul has been an avid supported of the DXing community by sharing his knowledge of DXing and by enabling DXers to achieve their DXCC Awards.   Paul is an accredited card checker for the ARRL to help  facilitate  the administration of awards.  Paul is active in the Greer Amateur Radio Club, the South Carolina DX Association, and the North Carolina DX and Contest Club.  He has been to Dayton and Friedrichshafen, and he has been present in most W4DXCC Conventions.  Thank You - Paul for your many contributions to the hobby.