George worked the Crozet DXpedition FT8WW on CW to finally make entry into the honor roll ranks in this mode. George already has "Mixed" and "Phone" and this his Honor Roll standings complete by having it on all the traditional modes. It has been specially hard to work FT8WW on CW with all the pirates and with most of the operation being on FT8.
NY4G has achieved Mountain Goat Status (1000+ activator points) and is currently the #10 in W4C with 1506 activator points as of January 2023. Ariel has also reached the Shack Sloth Status (1000+ chaser points) with the current tally of over 3000 points. Ariel's new goal is 100 Completes - and just needs to activate 6 chased summits to reach that goal. Ariel in 2019 was able to reach Mountain Goat in less than 9 months - a feat only attained by 5 other radio amateurs worldwide. Ariel also achieved Mountain Goat with less than 100 summit activations - a feat that has been done only 4 other times prior. Done together, it has never been done prior to Ariel's reaching the same point.
GARC did very well again running as a 2A (two transmitter club station) and finished 10th in the nation with over 8600 points.
On the first day of the DXpedition - Greg K1IT makes 2 QSOs with TO2SP for the 330th DXCC entity.
Dave Anderson K4SV #1 Honor Roll Mixed, Honor Roll for CW, Phone, Digital
George Hall W4BUW #1 Honor Roll Mixed, Honor Roll Phone, CW (pending)
Phil Pflorig W9IXX #1 Honor Roll Mixed, Honor Roll for CW, Phone, Digital
Paul Greaves W4FC #1 Honor Roll Mixed, Honor Roll for CW and Phone